Now the question is, do i really need to eat protein 1g per pound of bodyweight at this level of activity? I really dont have much muscle mass, cause u know i am just starting. Now let me provide you some of my information so u can help me through: I was trying a workout provided by your site, i thought it was too difficult for me so i didnt follow. I just want your advice regarding nutrition, like how much calorie do i need, and most important.how much protein do i need to build muslce. Now i will work out for the first time so i want everything to be a little easier.I am going to perform this workout at home, i have a bench, dumbells 5kg,10kg,20kg, and barbell. Sometimes a little bodyweight exercise, but i dont XD. I am a complete beginner, I have never worked out in my life.

So i just wanted to know FROM U, I NEED UR ADVICE, UR THOUGHTS on eating SOY CHUNKS (by nutrella), can i eat around 200g of SOYA CHUNKS per day? or can i eat 200g of any soy product per day? u know soy chunks is really good source of portein for vegetarians, it contains 50g-52g of protein per 100g of soy chunks serving, if i could eat 200g soy chunks in my diet plan, then i will have 100g protein from soy chunks alone, it is really helpful, i can control my carbs perfectly due to z guide me thorugh this! i really need ur help this time plzz So, people here are saying that eating soy products (any like tofu, soy milk or anything made up of soy) more than 100g of serving in a day, is harmful for health, they say that it will increase ESTROGEN level in ur body, so because of that, i feel i cannot bulk, or shred properly, u need high protein diet when shreding, how m i going to do that if i have limitation with soy products. yea so the main problem with the diet m on is "soy products", just want to mention that i am a vegetarian. but i need help now regarding nutrition, first i wanna thank u for the content and providing us such good information. i can see some peak in biceps too! It really feels awesome u know. i gotta say that i did some change here, i am able to lift heavy now. Yo wassup Sir, How are u? Hope u are doing super well! i've been following this workout for around 6 to 7 months. You'll want to have at least one rest day between your workout days.
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Recommended: Need help building muscle? Take our Free Muscle Building Course If you have a pullup bar I highly suggest adding chinups or wide grip pullups to back day! Tired of looking for a dumbbell only routine to work out at home with? Don't want to buy any expensive equipment? Then here is a workout for you! All you need is an adjustable bench and some dumbbells.